Noise Canceling Apple Earbuds
I attempted to create noise canceling headphones in software from Apple’s stock earbuds.
TLDR; It did not work
The theory to this concept is simple, but relies on a prerequisite understanding of how noise canceling is implemented. I’m focusing on the challenge at a high-level, but explain what went wrong and offer some suggestions for how Apple can probably implement this.
This is a five step overview of how to implement noise cancellation.
- Start with a live ambient noise that will be captured by the ear.
- Capture the ambient audio noise with a microphone.
- Filter the audio signal to the desired band of the frequencey spectrum to cancel out. Assume you want to eliminate low rumblings of a server room or an airplane engine; You’ll need to run to remove the high frequencies from being processed.
- Invert the audio signal phase. To cancel out an audio signal, play the inverted signal...