Template Fork

Growing Beyond GitHub’s gitignore Template List #

Since Feb 13, 2013, relied on GitHub’s list of gitignore templates to power the website. GitHub maintains the most popular gitignore template list as reflected by it’s 50,000+ stars. As grows, our community faces challenges relying on GitHub’s template list.

  1. Responsiveness - GitHub maintains a popular template list, but is slow to merge pull requests. This results in slow updates to templates and certain developers simply abandoning their requests.

  2. Acceptance - gitignore templates must meet contributing guideline requirements preventing merges from small and undocumented projects. As a result, already has twice as many gitignore templates.

  3. Composition - Larger templates, such as the Objective-C.gitignore, can not be composed from smaller templates. Objective-C.gitignore includes Cocoapods, Carthage, Fastlane, and iOSInjectionProject which should all be separate templates.

  4. Inheritance - The JetBrains template is an example where one template has multiple uses. All Idea IDE’s ignore the same core list of files. If a C++ developer is working in CLion, the CLion template should inherit from the JetBrains template.

  5. Extension - GitHub’s original template list challenged developers who wanted functionality but were not accepted because point 1 and 2. The community needed a way to make changes that weren’t accepted by the main repository, but still made sense.

The Plan #

Todays fork plans to address all five issues.

  1. Responsiveness - I am migrating to the repository with the goal of merging pull requests and/or providing feedback within 5 days.

  2. Acceptance - I will accept all templates that make sense. If you have a new template or modification to an existing template, I will merge it. Occasionally, developers submit templates without fully understanding the architecture of so I will work to make sure each pull request can be merged using one of the following three features.

  3. Composition - I’m introducing a new .stack file extension to support composition. The ReactNative template combines multiple templates with the stack design pattern.

    Here is the example for React Native:

    // Base - Base template 
    // Stack - Templates added to the base template
    ReactNative.Android.stack@ -> Android.gitignore
    ReactNative.Buck.stack@ -> Buck.gitignore
    ReactNative.Gradle.stack@ -> Gradle.gitignore
    ReactNative.Linux.stack@ -> Linux.gitignore
    ReactNative.Node.stack@ -> Node.gitignore
    ReactNative.Xcode.stack@ -> Xcode.gitignore
    ReactNative.macOS.stack@ -> macOS.gitignore

    There is a base react native template, then each stack with follows the format <Base>.<Stack>.stack symlinked to <Stack>.gitignore.’s template generation engine will compose all of the stacks into the final template at run-time resulting in the final template.

  4. Inheritance - This happens through symlinks from the child to the parent template. JetBrains is the largest collection of templates that use symlinks on

    AppCode.gitignore@ -> JetBrains.gitignore
    CLion.gitignore@ -> JetBrains.gitignore
    Intellij.gitignore@ -> JetBrains.gitignore
    JetBrains+all.gitignore@ -> JetBrains.gitignore
    JetBrains+iml.gitignore@ -> JetBrains.gitignore
    PhpStorm.gitignore@ -> JetBrains.gitignore
    PyCharm.gitignore@ -> JetBrains.gitignore
    RubyMine.gitignore@ -> JetBrains.gitignore
    WebStorm.gitignore@ -> JetBrains.gitignore
  5. Extension - The .patch file extension allows to extend a template without modifying the original. This was extremely useful allowing to add ignore patterns to neglected templates. As cleans up the template list, this will see less usage.

Going forward #

  1. Use - If you need to create a useful gitignore file for your project, checkout It also has a command line API.

  2. Support - If you like the project, please give the and template repositories a star.

  3. Contribute - Please submit a pull request if you have a project with .giignore template that is not in our repository.


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